

My mindfulness journey has had such a positive impact on my life that I now wish to share with all who are interested, so that they may have their own practice and realize the benefits.

We do small group or individual coaching for all experience levels.

Just CALL 808-868-7714 and ask when the next class is starting, we’ll save you a seat. Just 3-hours on a Saturday can get you started on your mindfulness journey. 

Why learn the Unified Mindfulness approach?

The Unified Mindfulness (UM) System can give you skills to:

• Reduce stress
• Improve emotional well being
• Manage difficult situations
• Develop resilience
• Enhance cognitive capabilities
• Deepen interpersonal and spiritual connection
• Increase fulfillment
• Get to know yourself on the deepest level
• Embrace a better work life balance 

What is Unified Mindfulness? Read more

Welcome to Mindfullife808


Aloha, welcome to Mindfullife808. Our mission is to share the practice of mindfulness with all who are interested. Often, due to our busy lives, it can be challenging to find time for ourselves to learn and implement practices dedicated to our well-being. At Mindfullife808, we share the Unified Mindfulness system (UM). With the UM system, we learn a variety of mindfulness techniques that can be tailored to one’s preference and needs. It also teaches us how to identify the many opportunities in our daily lives to practice mindfulness.

A special thanks to the Woo Woo Wellness network for helping us branch out our offerings and contributing to our growth at Mindfullife808.  

We offer on-line and in-person mindfulness workshops and immersions.

In-Person: FREE Saturday Half-Day Immersion

The half-day Immersion is an introductory course, which includes mindfulness meditation technique instructions in the renowned Unified Mindfulness System.

Together, we will walk through UM techniques, step by step, learning the technique and then practicing together through a guided meditation, ending with discussions on our experiences and identifying opportunities within the practice.

We will also work with you to develop in-practice (meditation) strategies and practice in daily life options to give you the tools to design your own consistent practice. Our goal is for you to go home ready to start your own mindfulness practice or have a new set of tools to enhance/re-enforce an existing practice.  

The in-person immersion sessions are held on Saturdays, in a beautiful space, located in up-country Makawao, HI. This is a small group environment with more individual instruction and feedback time. Also, being held in it’s unique location, its an opportunity to explore upcountry and take in some of the local food available at the food trucks and shopping in town.

In-Person Saturday Full-Day Immersion (Pending)

The one-day immersion includes mindfulness meditation instructions on up to five of the renowned Unified Mindfulness System.

Together, we will walk through multiple techniques, step by step, learning the technique and then practicing together through a guided meditation, ending with discussions on our experiences and identifying opportunities within the practice.

We will also work with you to develop in-practice (meditation) strategies and practice in daily life options to give you the tools to design your own consistent practice. Our goal is for you to go home ready to start  your own mindfulness practice or have a new set of tools to enhance/re-enforce an existing practice.  

The in-person immersion sessions are held on Saturdays, in a beautiful space, located in up-country Makawao, HI. This is a small group environment with more individual instruction and feedback time. Also, being held in it’s unique location, its an opportunity to explore upcountry and take in some of the local food available at the food trucks and shopping in town.

Online: Mid-day Mindfulness (Pending)

For our Hawaii Standard Time (HST) Kama’aina, we offer our online course from 12-1pm, which covers the core curriculum while working within the structure of an average workday lunch hour. Of course the course is also open to participants from all time zones, it just may not be the standard lunch-hour period for your time zone 🙂

For this course, we share an online, eight-class mindfulness training program for individuals, small groups, and corporate workshops. The classes include five days of learning new techniques and three days focusing on in-practice strategies, practice in daily life options, and rhythm of practice discussions. The techniques and curriculum are designed to enhance our ability to incorporate mindfulness techniques into our daily schedule and develop a practice that fits into the rhythm of your life. 

Our goal is for you to finish the course with a solid foundation and skillset to develop your own unique mindfulness practice that fits your schedule and technique preference. If you already have a mindfulness or other contemplative practice, our goal is for you to learn a new set of tools to possibly inform, invigorate, enhance, evolve, and/or re-enforce your existing practice. The groups are an interactive experience where we encourage people to actively participate as a group for the benefit of all. So if you attend be prepared to be interactive with the group to the extent possible given your own personal circumstances. Together, we will work together to explore the concepts of the UM system and our understanding and experiences within the mindfulness framework.

Online: Evening and Weekend offerings (Pending)

This course is an online, eight-class mindfulness training program for individuals, small groups, and corporate workshops.

The program includes a total of eight classes about 60-90 minutes long. The classes include five days of learning new techniques and three days focusing on in-practice strategies, practice in daily life options, and rhythm of practice discussions. The techniques and curriculum are designed to enhance our ability to incorporate mindfulness techniques into our daily schedule and develop a practice that fits into the rhythm of your life.

Our goal is for the eight class course to give you a solid foundation and skillset to develop your own unique mindfulness practice that fits your schedule and technique preference. If you already have a mindfulness or other contemplative practice, our goal is for you to learn a new set of tools to possibly inform, invigorate, enhance, evolve, and/or re-enforce your existing practice. The groups are an interactive experience where we encourage people to actively participate as a group for the benefit of all. So if you attend be prepared to be interactive with the group to the extent possible given your own personal circumstances. We will work together to explore the concepts of the UM system and our understanding and experiences within the mindfulness framework.

Mindfullife808: Recognizing the Roots of Mindfulness and the importance of recognizing and contributing to Indigenous Cultures

At  Mindfullife808, we believe it is important to recognize that modern mindfulness has roots in the Buddhist and Zen traditions.  The unique Unified Mindfulness (UM) style we share was designed by Shinzen Young to be scientific in its approach and secular in practice. Because of its secular design, it tends to not interfere with existing religious practices. In fact, there are many UM students and teachers that have found that this  practice can actually enhance religious and/or spirituality in practice. 

It is also important to note that many other techniques from east or west, ancient or modern, can be looked upon of as supporting the standard techniques of UM, or vice versa, the UM standard techniques can be looked upon as supporting the techniques of all other traditions.   

In an effort to honor the many great ancient traditions that incorporate a meditative and spiritual aspects that have been affected by colonization, we use a portion of our proceeds to support indigenous initiatives that specialize in preserving indigenous wisdom and cultural heritage, including a pro-Hawaiian cultural initiatives and sacred site preservation.

Please see about more information and opportunities to contribute on our about page.


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